The Derriman Family

Welcomes Families & Friends

‘Call round any old time, make yourself at home.

Our matriarch

Robyn Derriman

Robyn Derriman, celebrated her 100th. year on Planet Earth, then 101st. and is now chasing 102nd. 

After decades as the Chairperson of Kids 4 Kids Inc., she insists that she was never more than the tea lady, despite her advice and sacrifice, financial and otherwise, to aid commitment to assisting challenged children.

Kids 4 Kids’ prime focus is assisting children in life-threatening circumstances, wherever and whenever possible. Its tangible assets exist in the lives of children, whose legacies make safer living for all children.

God bless,
The family Derriman

Congratulations Grandma – Wow!

We all send lots and lots of love

X X X X X X X X X 

The Family Derriman

[email protected]                                                           [email protected]